Planning the workload

A facilitated meeting was held to divide the workload of the groups

Twenty five faculty administrators (referred to as Action Researchers from now on) were asked to choose which process (from the three chosen during the scoping session) they would like to review as a team. They were also asked to indicate if they were interested in becoming the “leader” for the chosen action research team.

Three groups of 8/9 action researchers were formed and two leaders volunteered. The administration manager volunteered to lead the group without a volunteer leader until such time as another leader came forward.

It was decided to set up a Moodle occurrence for the project so that all action researchers could contribute to publishing information for their own group and to view the progress of all groups in the action research project. This was set up by the Project Manager and all action researchers were given the status of ‘teacher’ to provide full access rights.

Initial documentation was imcorporated into the Moodle environment including: the bid proposal; link to the JISC infokits; group membership; action research guidelines; the project process and contact information for project leaders and action researchers.

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